i want to wake up and be excited!


Yo homey!

Why do I keep waking up feeling like life is a drag and just another day to get through?

I don't want to just "make it" to the end of each day. I want to wake up and decide I'M GOING TO HAVE THE BEST DAY I POSSIBLY CAN AND IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT!

As soon as I meet someone new, the sun is shining or I get a compliment, take a class or have a deep conversation with someone, I feel so fulfilled. I feel like I've accomplished something with my day. Even just making someone smile or helping someone out makes me feel enriched. And I forget that I can do these things whenever I want! There's ALWAYS opportunities to do these things. I just have to CHOOSE to do them and make them a part of my every day and to live each day to the fullest.

I can feel good. I can wake up every day and get excited and feel happy to enjoy the day and be me. I can make a difference, I can help someone, give them a compliment, treat my body kindly, think positively, find something to admire, try something new, offer support. I can do all of these things in one day without feeling overwhelmed. I just have to choose to spend less time doing and worrying about negative things and things I don't enjoy and more time on the things that make me feel good and happy and fun and enriched and accomplished and worthy and successful and beautiful and healthy and amazing!

From now on I'm going to wake up and immediately say to myself (thanks to advice from Louise Hay)

Hello beautiful :) Did you know I love you just the way you are? There are new and exciting things coming to us today arghhhhh get excited!

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