i am not my body!

♥ 10.07.11 ♥ 

Now I realise that I AM NOT MY BODY everything makes sense.

I'm not my body so I don't get hung up on how I look BUT I still realise that without my body I don't exist so I have a new appreciation for my body and want to look after it and care about how it FEELS instead of how it looks. So I WANT to be healthier and I make decisions to be healthier based on my desire for it to function at its best to carry me through life and enable me to do all the things I want to do. To have energy, be flexible, glowing and function perfectly all throughout my body.

Notice thoughts are just thoughts, they are not true, not ME. My thoughts are NOT ME. They are just thoughts that influence my mood and emotions which leads me to my next realisation:

That emotions are just physical sensations.

That is all. They are just a reaction to how I am thinking and it is the bodies way of letting me know something is up. That's incredible! And it gives me the strength and understanding to know that I can cope and get through them and they will pass and I do not need to use food to numb or ignore them.

And now food seems less appealing or scary and doesn't have the control it used to have over me. I no longer need it to cope.  I still see food as a pleasure yes but as a way to make my body FEEL good so I choose food that tastes good AND feels good instead. I see clearly that it in no way gets rid of my emotions and anxiety. Instead, breathing calms me completely and I think: "Breath. Relax. This is just a physical sensation caused by your thoughts and it will pass. You are not your body. These sensations have no power over you and food doesn't solve the feeling".

I still have a long way to go and need to practice the breathing and eating mindfully but that will happen slowly and gradually and there is no rush because I'm perfect right now. I am detached from my body and I know that whatever happens in this lifetime, it will one day be over and so there is no point dwelling on the negative or letting my thoughts overtake me.

I am free because I am the master of my thoughts and my life.

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